Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching: Solution based strategies and health techniques

Wellness CoachingWe like to ‘keep it simple’ and help you create your best experience. Our methods combine personalized health techniques with whole body nutrition and nourishment. The result? You build your own bridge to lasting positive lifestyle changes that are sustainable and easy to implement.

Beyond the Bridge works with individuals and organizations to determine a core set of challenges. Together, we identify how these challenges can become catalysts for growth and improvement. From there, we work together to create a Personal Wellness Tool box for each individual – a simple set of go-to exercises to de-stress and rejuvenate. We customize corporate workshops and individual sessions for healthy eating and exercise, cognitive exercise, and stress management. Individuals become more resilient, experience sharper thinking and renew their ability to truly enjoy life’s joys and challenges. A few of our most effective methods are highlighted below.

  • Nutrition and nourishment can be food and exercise that is necessary for life, growth and health of the physical body. It can also relate to our mental, emotional and spiritual capacity, encouraging the development and growth of ideas, creativity and connectivity through feelings and relationships, both personal, career and in the world-at-large. A healthy lifestyle factors in all of these components and gives each equal consideration to ensure happiness, balance and stress resilience in our lives.

  • Naam Yoga Therapies is a mind-body fitness yoga system that maximizes physical and mental exercise to promote optimal health and well-being that can benefit both those who feel stress or suffer from problems with memory, focus, motivation or low immunity. It is a unique blend of physical movement and stretching that opens the flow of energy in the body, utilizing breath, meditation and mantra, which is repetition of sound that works at the level of the subconscious mind to clear negative thought patterns/habits over time in order to reestablish healthy trends of behavior. Repetitive sound is a way of clearing the mind and introducing a positive vibration into the psyche. Naam Yoga also promotes healing through music, mudra therapy, and relaxation. The unique quality of Naam Yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere and adapted to any environment.

  • Transformational breath demonstrates breathing techniques that bring awareness of the impact of your thoughts, habits and patterns. This allows the opening of pathways to establish and reinforce new, healthy trends of behavior by shifting away from challenging mental patterns. Discover how your mental and emotional state affects your physical body, and that a strong physical body supports a healthy mental and emotional body.
    The basics of proper breathing will last a lifetime. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the quality of breath and that, quantitatively, less is more. Shift any challenge by bringing awareness to your breath. Learn breathing techniques that range from helping to cleanse and purify the blood, clear the mind, cool anger, alleviate stress, and reduce anxiety and nervousness.

  • Breathwalk® is a program that consists of a series of walks that release vitality. With consistent practice, this results in a wide range of benefits such as increased energy levels, clarity, connectedness, mood control, and relief from anxiety, depression and stress. Walking with your Breath combines specific patterns of conscious breathing with walking. This combination has a positive impact upon heart rhythm, muscle balance, visual focus, brain activity patterns, and over time can build a stable base for positive moods. The specific breath patterns in this walking series can be adapted to your everyday walking habits.

  • Relaxation stands for a release of tension and a return to equilibrium. Harmonyum® is a metaphysical system that works on the body energetically by raising the vibratory frequency of the entire body, creating a deep sense of harmony within. It calms and balances the autonomous nervous system; de-stresses the mind and body; attunes the body’s energy flow by clearing energetic blocks and removing unhealthy mental attitudes and patterns that can affect our physical well being. It is a simple, subtle and gentle process. The treatment is non-invasive, very relaxing and helps remove stress. The client is fully clothed and lies face down in a comfortable position while a light touch is applied to the spine.

Linda Shields remains on the leading edge of change through attending healthcare conferences, forming collaborative partnerships and ongoing continuing education.