
Life can change from day to day depending upon our responsibilities and priorities. The right balance will be different when we are single or married, have children, start a new career or are nearing retirement.

We guide and support our clients to build their own bridge to their well-being by making informed healthy choices and behavior changes that are sustainable. Discover how to leverage your personal lifestyle and health history into habits that lead to positive changes in all facets of life whether it relates to food, exercise, stress, relationships or career – creating your Personal Wellness Toolbox. To get started, e-mail us at or call (917) 837-3652 to sign up for a complimentary one-hour consultation that explores your health history, health goals, current diet, exercise, stress, lifestyle and what you imagine for your life. We will work together closely, getting a better feel for our working style.

Benefit from both my expertise and qualifications that include Integrative Nutrition for the whole body, a therapeutic style Yoga focusing on relaxation and breathing techniques for stress resilience coupled with a unique combination of a strong and successful business background.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Program includes one-on-one coaching sessions either in person or via phone, e-mail and telephone guidance and support between sessions, educational and informational handouts. Work with a professional to establish healthy commitments and a system of accountability.
    This Wellness Coaching program can guide and support you to achieve success in your own distinct way. You choose whether you would like a kick-start with a few sessions or feel that a 3 or 6 month program would be more beneficial.

Our services also include:

  • Corporate Workshops and Lectures – Wellness for the Whole Body. Topics include Stress
    Management, Nutrition and Exercise.
  • Individual or Small Group sessions, classes or workshops.